Monday, May 07, 2007


Hey yall, I'm back in town, just for a few days, I'm heading out Wednesday Night for Nashville... ahh!!! Crazy story, but I'll post about whats goin on later... anyways.
Today Jeremy Flanagan and Mark Collins came over for a meeting for the web design ministry at the church. Bryant, (who is staying with the family here at the house for a while) joined us in the meeting. So after it was over one of the things we discussed doing was making a recruiting video for the web design ministry. So we got the camera and this is what we came up with...

haha so yea... that was it...
talk to yall soon :P


Samantha F. said...

Haha!! Well, I can definitely say that video was the funniest "sign up to help our ministry" video I have ever seen! I laughed until I was ashamed of myself! >_< And then, I laughed some more!

mark said...

see what happens when you put three guys together with the objective to make a video.

Rebecca said...

That's so funny! And quite an interesting approach...
Nice job. =)

Anonymous said...

So you linked your blog to your siggy... and I'm extremely bored today... and wow... that was.... *laughs really hard*

I'd definitely sign up if I saw that video.................. :|