On thursday we went to Six Flags for homeschool day!!! It was awesome because there was seriously barely any lines! I think the longest line we waited in was about 15 min. lol We had an amazing time!!! Me, Sarah, and Natalie got to hang out with our awesome friends Bethany, Abby, and Elyse and a bunch of their friends. It was great!!!! We were singing on like all the rides, haha. Then after we rode the superman we went into the superman shop and tried on all the blingage... haha Then after the park closed, we all went to Old Country Buffet for dinner. So it was an amazing day!!! (I think I already said that... lol)
Anyways, thursday was my parents 21st anniversary!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
So at great america, all of us went up on a stage and sang and danced "Happy Anniversary" haha
(Click the play button to start the slideshow.)
Hey Andrew.....
Did you go to Six Flags on
Home school day?????????
All the boys and the girls and people maken noise let me hear ya shout..........
I know I like that song too!!!
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