A myriad* of different activities and responsibilities that all require a whole lot of my attention...
Needless to say its hard to keep up with everything.
Just a quick update for those of you who aren't totally up with what is going on in my life.

I've also been leading worship at our church, Family Life Christian Center, it is a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Preparing the sets, (trying to) schedule rehearsals... But I really enjoy doing it and people are getting blessed.
So yea, things are kinda stressful, but hey, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me right? =)
*. You may be asking where the heck did you get a word like Myriad? to tell you the truth, I'm not all that sure... it might have come from the fact that I just did 25 crazy old word definitions for modern lit... I'm not sure :P
Sounds awesome, how's school??
Do you get a lot of hw?
And, word freak that i am... :)
I feel the obsessive need to point out that "myriad" should be used like this:
Myriad activities are keeping me busy.
and not like this:
A myriad of activities are keeping me busy.
It's ok...common mistake :)
actually, you are wrong katie... :P
Myriad: A large indefinite number; "he faced a myriad of details"
It's ok... common mistake :P
see my facebook response :)
I'm certain you're more than able to cope with everything. But, I'll be prayin' for you all the same! You're doing a really good job as worship leader, by the way. I don't think we say it enough, but seriously. You do.
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