Anyways, they had this thing where you could text a message through your cell phone to this number, and they would put it up on the screen during the intermission. And then they told us that one of the people who texted would be selected to win a Barlowgirl electric guitar!!! So like tons of people were texting in messages. I decided, what the heck... might as well try it out... lol I tried from my 1st cell phone but it said "access denied" lol. So I pulled out my 2nd cell phone, lol and texted from there. I didn't even see the message go up on the screen, but then about 15 min into the girls part of the show, I felt my phone buzz, I thought someone was calling me, so I pulled it out, and when it said "message" I was like oh great, I texted one of these things and now i'm gonna get text spam for the rest of my life!!! lol but when I opened the message it said, "YOU WIN!
Code: ****
Congratulations! You're tonight's winner! Head on over to the Barlow Girl Merch table to claim the guitar now!"
HAHA isnt that CRAZY??? lol so I went over to my aunt Maryanne (the BG's mom) and showed her the message, when she saw it she like freaked out! lol she was so excited! she was like go over to my merch table and show them!!!! So I went over and got my new BG Guitar!!!!
I know what some of you might be thinking... "That is so wrong!!! It was probably rigged!!!!" lol So I asked them how it works, and there is this lady in texas who runs the whole text thing, and she sits at the computer for 3 hours during the concerts, screens all the messages then randomly picks one of the messages and that person wins the guitar. So it was NOT rigged!!! lol
So after the concert our friend Shyla who is a photographer was like "lets do a photoshoot with the guitar!!!!" lol so here are some of the shots from the shoot

Oh yeah!!!! I start drivers ed today!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Finally!!!!!