Well... we have added another Barlowgirl into this world!!
After alot of waiting and praying, my mom had the baby at 1:39am this morning!!
Coming in at 8lbs. 6oz and 20in. long:) She is sooooo adorable and looks just like my little brother Johnny!! It is hysterical!!....of course a pretty version! The doctor said it was like a picture perfect birth!! Thank God!! Actually the reason it has taken me awhile to get pics up is because I was waiting on my parents until they name her...but they are still trying to figure it out:)!! lol! I decided to post a couple and then when they actually come up with a name I'll post more with a slideshow!! Any name ideas???? Let me know!!!
hey little barlow baby ur sooo cute!!! you have the most amazing family ever!!! awww SSSOOO CUUUTEEE and PINCHABLE!!!! awwww!!!!
hey little girl!! i love you so much! you are so blessed to have been born to such an amazing family! you have no idea how many people were waiting for this day! you are so so so cute and i can't wait to meet you!
I know!!!!! She is adorable!!! I love her so much!!!
Well we will hopefully have a name by tonight... so as soon as I get the word I will post it!
Did someone say something???
It wasn't me!!!
I'm lovin' the pic of you and JuliAnna though; all "big brother" and everything :-)
Hmm, must have been the wind... lol
aw!!!! shes just about the cutest thing ever!!! aw congratulations!!! thats so beyond exciting!!! YAY!!!! WOOHOO!!!
They are both so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great photos!!!!!
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